Braces For All Ages

Braces For All Ages


The American Association of Orthodontics recommends that all children age 7 or older be evaluated for the best treatment planning of their orthodontic needs. When the severity of crowding, bite discrepancies, or habits like thumb sucking are present, treatment often needs to be divided into two phases. One phase usually lasting a year in the age range of 7-10 and a second phase upon the eruption of all of the permanent teeth. When a child has a significant concern about the appearance of their upper front teeth, phase one treatment is an option to address the concern without having to wait until junior high school for a correction.


More and more adults today are seeking orthodontic treatment to improve their smile. In fact, about 30 percent of our patients are adults! Orthodontic treatment is not only designed to improve the appearance of your smile, but improve the health of your teeth and gums as well. By seeking orthodontic treatment as an adolescent/adult you can possibly avoid severe tooth decay, gum and bone loss, irregular wear of the tooth enamel, and TMJ/TMD pain. By following the instructions provided by your orthodontist, you not only increase your chances for better results, but could also shorten your treatment time as well.

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